Friday, 4 July 2008

The lottie

Went to see the plot today, and it's not bad. Bit smaller than I remember, but that might be beacuse I was much smaller when dad had one, so everything looked bigger lol. It's in the corner of the sire, with scope to 'acquire' a little extra land, and overhung by a couple of trees, that hopefully won't be a problem causing too much shade. They'd strimmed it back already, but it looks like there's plenty of bindweed waiting to re-grow. I'm not intending to do much this year but plan beds, so fingers crossed it won't be too much of a problem.

We went to have a look at the other plot I was offered, but it didn't have the same feel to it, even though it was a little bit bigger, so I think I made the right choice. The shed on it definately needs to come down. It's a mess! Not to mention full of junk and falling apart. I did find a metal tank type thing in the undergrowth that I will use for collecting water, and mums old shed will go nicely under the trees.

I should be able to work in sorting the beds out while I'm waiting for them to remove the shed. Paul told me today the wife of a chap he works with keeps horses, so mulching won't be a problem. Might stink the car out a bit bringing it home mind lol. Time to get building a compost bin or two now (along with finishing the chiken house!).

Still excited :-)

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Very excited!

I've got an allotment!!!!!

Came back from school this morning to see an envelope with the parish council's stamp on it, and that could only mean one thing - the lottie! It's taken 2 years 2 1/2 months, and I wasn't expecting to hear anything until at least October when they come up for renewal, but I'm not complaining. I am about to become the proud owner of a neglaected overgrown plot, awaiting strimming.

Hopefully going to see it soon. Can't tomorrow as I'm out all day, but hopefully Friday, or Saturday at the latest. Going to spend the evening planning what to plant, how to plant it, how to make beds etc. At least the bits of wood we picked up from Freecycle at the weekend ready for raised beds won't be hanging around the garden long!

The kids seemed impressed with the idea, especially when I told them they could have their own little plots. Thomas wants to grow carrots and pumpkin, and Becky wants sweetcorn and tomatoes. Thomas, bless him, wanted to go down there this evening and have a look, but we had to go somewhere else instead. Luckily it's not too far from school, so I can drop them off then spend the day at the lottie before coming and picking them up again. May have to put the basket back on the front of my old bike, or get/build a trailer for it to carry the fork and spade etc in.

Not a lot else has been happening. Most of the plants I grew have been chomped by the slugs, but the rhubarb is coming along nicely, and the chickpeas are doing fine. One tomatoe is doing well, but the other one is a bit small, and I have one good bean. Planted out the sweet peas though, and the recent rain has bedded them in well. Need to get the tyre planters sorted in the front garden for the nasturtiums and lavender. I want loads of lavender to use in cooking and scented thingummies. I keep passing huge bushes in people's gardens on the way to school, and I'm quite tempted to ask if I can have a bunch. Might take a long a pot of jam to swap.

The elderflower wine is still plipping away in the kitchen. The champagne turned out better than expected. Even my mum liked it, which I certainly wasn't expecting as she doesn't like the cordial. But then it's not quite as sweet and has a definate 'winey' taste about it. Will have to make loads more next year.

Not seen much sign of the tadpoles in the pond lately. Mum's had froglets hopping around hers, though they've either hopped away somewhere or been eaten by the cats/birds, as she can't see them any more. I see the odd one here and there, but not many considering the amount I transfered over when I emptied them out of the water feature temporary home.

The hen house is slowly coming along too. It's ended up slightly wonky though, so I'm not sure how i'm goig to get round that. but the coop bit has a back, sides, legs and a fully felted roof. Just needs doors and a ramp, and the rest of the run built. We're hoping to get the chickens next month, so I'd better get on with it!