Friday, 9 May 2008

Big plans

Has been a good week for foraging this week. Found a patch of sorrel and hedge garlic, which were tasty chopped up into couscous, and today we went down to the beach and I found sea beat - this time chopped with some sorrel into an omelette, with salad topped with hawthorn and hedge garlic leaves. Mmmm..... even hubby was impressed.
I *think* I have finally transfered all the tadpoles from their temporary home in the water feature to the pond. We rescued some from a pile of spawn laid in the dip in the top of mums sand pit cover. If it had been left it would have all dried up, so we brought it home in a plastic bag and plopped it in the tub.
After building them a nice new little pond I had the fun of trying to get them in it. Every time I thought I'd got them all, out some more would pop from the depths. In the end I emptied the tub and hopefully they are all now in their new home.

We're slowly getting the garden together. I've sorted the adult corner out ok. I wanted somewhere I could sit and chill while the kids run riot in the rest of the garden. Still a little bit to do, but we'll get there.

Here's a before and after shot:

- as far as putting the bench and arch in place

I've got pink and yellow honeysuckle going over the arch, lavender behind the bench, and the pond is just out of picture on the left. Need to get some more slate chips to fill in the holes, and the bench needs renovating, but it's almost there.

Have had a bit of a planting spree recently too. Made a start last year, but it didn't all go to plan, but this year it's a lot more methodical. Have sown peas, sweetcorn, courgettes, cucumbers, herbs, flowers, pumpkins and tomatoes, and things are starting to grow! It always strikes me as amazing when tiny seeds I've stuck in a pot turn into plants.

Can't wait to get the allotment. I've been on the list for a couple of years now, and I have no idea how long I'm likely to have to wait. Really should give them a ring to see how things are going. Looking forward to being able to plant things in reasonable numbers to be able to feed us all, so we don't have to buy from anywhere. We have a plum tree in the garden, and a gooseberry bush and blackcurrant bush, and I have easy access to blackberries, and the apple tree is growing well after being rescued from almost dead last year, but there's nota lot of room with 2 kids, a climbing frame and a swing.

The next big project is chickens. Am hoping to get 3 from either a local activity farm that sells animals, or the Battery Hen Welfare Trust. Need to build a house and run first (AND get some money together!). While they'll be loose in the garden in good weather while we're there, I want a run to keep them from hopping over the back fence, and a house to shut them in at night. Will take a bit of doing - this is where I plan to put them:


1 comment:

mrsnesbitt said...

Great plans for the garden. Like the idea of an adult area. Last night I took some pictures round our garden....will put them on my blog mw thinks.