Saturday, 2 August 2008

Thought it about time I came back!

I have neglected the blog here a little bit recently, for which I apologise. Thank-you fo rthe comments too - seeing as I've not been reading other people's blogs either. Been busy trying to keep the kids entertained.

So, what's been happening with the allotment? I've been digging, that's what!

Been down there a couple of days this week, and now have a small bed planted with beetroot, turnip, lettuce, radishes and swede. The bed will be for the strawberries later in the year when I can transplant them, but for now I just wanted to see what I can get to grow. Have also made a compost bin from pallets. Needs some cardboard or something to line it with, but it's a start. Marked out a couple more beds, but the shed is still in the way until 'some time in the future', so I'm having to work round it. The new shed is up that we brough back from mum's, and the water butt managed to collect half an inch of rain today. Need to dig the guttering out from around the gaden so we can connect it up to the shed.

Managed to harvest a few things from the garden the other day too. We had 2 runner beans and half a dozen pods of peas. The peas were huge! Tasted lovely though. Can't beat fresh food. Am so excited about starting the crops off at the beginning of the year. Runner beans, peans, tomatoes and sweetcorn are going to be among the main crops.
Talking of tomatoes, had a look at the couple in the garden and have got loads coming along. The chick peas are growing too, and there's quite a few pods. Doesn't feel like there's much in them yet, but they're happy where they are. The grape vine has really settled in and is growing rapidly.
The only thing that isn't going too great is the chicken house. Haven't had a chance to get out there and finish building it. At least I have hinges now for the doors so should be able to get on with it soon. Not this weekend though as I have my sister coming down with her 2 kids next week so I have to blitz the kids bedrooms to be able to fit everyone in for sleeping. Going to be fun as she wants me to take her foraging. Well I know where there are plenty of blackberries.....


Compostwoman said...

Well done for getting ANYTHING going in

the school holidays

with the weather the way it has been.............


Shadow My Dalmatian said...

I like it a lot. Thanks for sharing.