Monday, 5 May 2008

Simple things

Having done all the washing over the weekend, I was left with ahuge pile of wet stuff - and pouring rain, so I had to use the tumble dryer. After hanging things on the washing line it just doesn't seem right any more. A washing line was one of the best things I inherited when we moved here and finally had a garden. Luckily it's brightening up so I can get another load out.

In the meantime it was lunch time. I made some rye soda bread and heated up some nettle soup. Felt very rustic, and I was a little smug that I was eating a completely home made meal. So many people miss out on the taste and health benefits by eating pre-packed ready meals, or processed food. The whole meal probably cost much less than 50p.

Talking of meals - need to find something for tonight. Sorted out my many cookbooks this morning after they fell off the shelf. Really should start using a few more of them lol.

1 comment:

mrsnesbitt said...

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh! Great blog Kizzi!